First edition. Octavo. 24pp. With a three striking illustrations, one on the cover cover of a woman and child being attacked, and a frontispiece illustration, reproduced on the lower wrap, of the sisters being lead way. Corners with some wear and a bit of loss, two short tears at the spine (intersecting text, but without loss), scattered early spotting, a very good copy of a rather delicate pamphlet. Howes attributes authorship to William P. Edwards, who owned the copyright. A sensationalized and inaccurate account, written from hearsay, of the abductions of Sylvia and Rachel Hall, as well as a Kentuckian, Philip Brigdon. "Replete with tortures, scalpings, murders and barbarities 'too shocking to be presented to the public,' the Hall narrative was published to recruit militia for service in the so-called Black Hawk War (1831-1832). In this narrative, Euro-American men living in Illinois territory are encouraged to enlist in the army and thus help 'to revenge cruelties perpetrated' by the Indians 'on the infant, the mother, and the defenseless.' Specifically, this narrative demands the capture and execution of the Sauk chief Black Hawk, who is said to have ordered the execution of all white captives." (*Encyclopedia of American War Literature*, p.181). Properly titled: "Narrative of the Capture and Providential Escape of Misses Frances and Almira Hall, Two respectable young women (sisters) of the ages of 16 and 18- who were taken prisoner by the Savages, at a Frontier settlement, near Indian Creek, in May last, when fifteen of the inhabitants fell victims to the bloody Tomahawk and Scalping Knife; among whom were the parents of the unfortunate females. Likewise Is Added, The Interesting Narrative of the captivity and sufferings of Philip Brigdon, A Kentuckian, who fell into the hands of the merciless Savages on their return to their settlement, three days after the Bloody Massacre." Authorship is ascribed to "persons of respectability living in the neighborhood of the captives." Howes H-61; Eberstadt 122; *American Imprints* 13877; Ayer Collection 210. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 525475
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