Crawford Doyle Booksellers is located in a private library, open to the public by appointment. It is located near the Metropolitan Museum in Manhattan. Crawford Doyle specializes in rare British and American modern fiction,first or unique editions. Searches are conducted and an inventory of literary first-editions is also available. The library is open by appointment most days (347 409 4160).
Zur Homepage des Verkäufers
Verbandsmitglieder verpflichten sich, höchste Standards einzuhalten. Sie garantieren die Echtheit aller zum Verkauf angebotenen Objekte. Ihre Objektbeschreibungen sind sachkundig und genau, etwaig vorhandene Mängel oder Restaurationen werden offengelegt. Die Ansetzung der Verkaufspreise erfolgt nach akkurater Recherche. Alle Verkäufe werden stets fair und redlich abgewickelt.
Unternehmensdaten des Verkäufers
Crawford Doyle Booksellers, LLC
Crawford Doyle Booksellers, LLC, 1082 Madison Ave, New York, NY, 10028, U.S.A.
Books can be returned within ten days for any reason. Visa/Master Card is our preferred credit card for receiving payment although other major credit cards are accepted and so is PayPal at Shipping is by UPS or Priority Mail, usually with a charge of $7.50,for normal shipments. Sales tax will be charged on books shipping within New York State. Individual rates will be quoted for unusually-heavy shipments. Shipments overseas (up to 2 pounds) will be charged about $20 (depen...
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Orders usually ship within 2 business days, either by UPS or Priority Mail, depending upon fastest delivery to customer's location. Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. If your book order is heavy or oversized, we may contact you to let you know extra shipping is required.