Five hundred points of good husbandry : As well for the champion or open countrey, as also for the woodland or several, mixed in every moneth, with houswifery, over and besides the book of houswifery. Corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented to a fourth part more, wit divers other lessons, as a diet for the farmer, of the properties of winds, plants, hops, hearbs, bees, and approved remedies for sheep and cattel; with many other matters both profitable, and not unpleasant to the reader. Also two tables, one of husbandry, and the other of houswifery, at the end of the book, for the better and easier finding out of any matter contained in the same. Newly set forth by Thomas Tusser, Gent

Tusser, Thomas (1524?-1580)

Verlag: London : printed by T[homas]. R[atcliffe]. and M[ary]. D[aniel]. for the Company of Stationers
Gebraucht Hardcover

Verkäufer MW Books, New York, NY, USA Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

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Poor copy disbound. Wear and tear as with age (loss to the spine). Text remains well preserved overall; bright and clean. Missing title page. Physical description; 388 pages. Notes; No clear publication date given. Subjects; Agriculture ; Early works to 1800 Home economics ; Early works to 1800. Agriculture ; Early works to 1800. Home economics England ; Early works to 1800. Home economics ; Early works to 1800. Home economics ; Poetry ; Early works to 1800. Agriculture ; Poetry ; Early works to 1800. Agriculture. Home economics. England. 1 Kg. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 373744

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Bibliografische Details

Titel: Five hundred points of good husbandry : As ...
Verlag: London : printed by T[homas]. R[atcliffe]. and M[ary]. D[aniel]. for the Company of Stationers
Einband: Hardcover
Auflage: First Edition.

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