FIRST EDITION. 4to, pp. 345-60, 385-92, 405-28, 565-72, 729-42, 789-804; 97-120, 298-345, 796-803; 65-72, 121-28, 289-96, 576-83; 9-16, 57-76, 101-40, 149-65, 174-81, 254-69, 295-317, 327-34. Exceedingly rare collection of 41 issues published between Saturday the 3rd of June 1815 and Thursday the 18th of June 1818 by the official gazette of the Viceroyalty of Peru. Bound in contemporary full vellum with ties. Faded ms. number "1" written on spine. Except for nos 42, 39 and 41 of 1816, which are misbound, all other issues appear in chronological order: [Year 1815] nos 46 (pp. 345-352, 3 Jun.), 47 (pp. 353-60, Jun. 7), 52 (pp. 385-92, Jun. 21), 56 (pp. 405-12, Jul. 1), 57 (pp. 413-20, Jul. 5), 58 (pp. 421-28, Jul. 8), 76 (pp. 565-72, Sep. 6), 100 (pp. 729-36, Nov. 25), 101 (pp. 737-42, Nov. 30), 104 (pp. 789-96, Dic. 14), and 105 (pp. 797-804, Dic. 21); [Year 1816] nos 14 (pp. 97-104, Feb. 17), 15 (pp. 105-12, Feb. 21), 16 (pp. 113-20, Feb. 24), 42 (pp. 322-29, May 25), 39 (pp. 298-305, May 14), 41 (pp. 314-21, May 22), 43 (pp. 330-37, May 29), 44 (pp. 338-45, Jun. 1), and 101 (pp. 796-803, Dic. 31); [Year 1817] nos 9 (pp. 65-72, Feb. 5), 16 (pp. 121-28, Mar. 6), 37 (pp. 289-96, May 28), and 73 (576-83, Oct. 31); [Year 1818] nos 2 (pp.9-16, Jan. 7), 8 (pp. 57-64, Jan. 28), 9 (pp. 65-76, Jan. 31), 13 (pp. 101-8, Feb. 18), 14 (pp. 109-16, Feb. 23), 15 (pp. 117-20, Feb. 28), 16 (pp. 121-28, Mar. 4), 17 (pp. 129-36, Mar. 7), 18 (pp. 137-40, Mar. 10), 20 (pp. 149-56, Mar. 21), 21 (pp. 157-65, Mar. 25), 23 (174-81, Apr. 3), 33 (pp. 254-61, May 16), 34 (pp. 262-69, May 23), 36 (pp. 295-302, May 29, colophon: "printed Por Don Bernardino Ruiz"), 37 (pp. 311-17, [1], Jun. 10), 39 (pp. 327-34, Jun. 18). An interesting final folding plate shows diagrams, calculations, and administrative information, a sort of business plan concerning the Lima cemetery with the figures of total deaths of men, women and children. The table includes also the count of the rich, that is, the number of those who paid for their own burial, and the poor and indigent, as well as the figures of expenses and debts for the first period of its activity (Jun. 1 1808-Dic. 31 1817). Single numbers of this gazette are incredibly rare, not to mention collections like this one. Some of these issues are of extraordinary relevance for the history of the Chilean, Peruvian and Bolivian independences. They report the accounts of the battles and clashes between the patriotic forces and the loyalists fighting for the Crown of Spain. The names of important "caudillos", that is, military and political leaders of the rebellion against the Spanish rule, were annotated in pencil on the front free endpaper by an early owner of this collection, together with the numbers of the pages in which their deeds are told; of course, from a biased government point of view: "Viva Fernando VII" is the heading of many issues. For instance, Issue no. 52 of 1815 is dedicated to celebrating the loyalist army's victory at the battle of Umachiri, fought on March 11, against "los insurgentes del Cuzco", who were led by Francisco Monroy and Tomas Carreri (p. 389). The account is given by the "Intendente" Francisco de Paula Gonzalez and sounds like a triumphal announcement addressing the subjects of the colonies, the General Mariano Osorio and the last viceroy of Peru José de La Serna. Gonzalez celebrates his victory, describes the battle and reports the death toll, which included mostly native people, since they were often forced to take part in these fights. Some of the other important "cabecillas" who appear in these accounts for their daring actions against the royal army are: "el indio" Carlos Mamani Chiliguanca (p. 735), the clergyman "gran criminal" Ildefonso de las Muñecas, "el perfido" Esquibél and Mariano Gálvez (e.g. No. 42, p. 323, 1816) and Santiago Prado. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers ABE-1593768709035
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