Folio. VI, 496 pages. Engraved title copperplate still without title imprint. Sheet numbering: Haydn Haydn. J.Z. 1-124. Brick-red original covers, both spines reinforced with linen strips in matching colors, spine labels. In modern half cloth case. SPECIAL EDITION ON THICKER HANDMADE PAPER - PRINTED AS AN ADVANCE PROOF BEFORE THE PRINTING OF THE OFFICIAL FIRST EDITION This is a pre-print, probably produced by the publisher especially for Haydn on better paper. There is no title text above the title vignette and no publisher's details below the vignette. The text parts were only engraved later on the title page printing plate used for this print, which serves as proof that this print was made before the official printing of the first edition, as can also be seen from the still extremely rich printed image of all the music pages. We have not been able to find another copy in the trade and in the Haydn literature with these special features. Haydn, who had by then become very famous and well-to-do, had already announced a first edition in a high-quality edition with better paper and excellent printing for the printing of The Creation in 1800 and was supported in this self-publishing project by Breitkopf und Härtel. The paper used for this special copy of The Seasons corresponds exactly to the better quality that Haydn had already chosen for the printing of the special editions of his creation. It can therefore be assumed that this preliminary proof by Breitkopf & Härtel was made on better paper at Haydn's request, but that the publisher then convinced the composer that the use of such high-quality paper was not economically justifiable and persuaded Haydn to abandon his special quality requirements. The first edition of the score was published with a German-French text, which appeared at the same time as the German-English edition. Gottfried von Swieten had translated James Thomson's "Seasons" and arranged them for Haydn as a libretto with precise instructions on the sequence of arias, recitatives, etc. Extensive precautions had been taken by both Haydn and Breitkopf to prevent a reprint. Nevertheless, Spehr in Brunswick announced an edition of the Seasons at the end of 1801. Breitkopf & Härtel then published a sharp correction in the Musikalische Zeitung under the title "Schlechte Spekulation" (Bad Speculation) and was able to prevail. "Haydn expressed his utmost satisfaction with the score: it was pure, elegant, clear, nothing had been spared and the engraver was 'a dear fool', and he himself praised the fact that 'no German bookseller had ever treated him like Breitkopf & Härtel'" (H. von Hase, Joseph Haydn und Breitkopf & Härtel, p. 34). The charming allegorical title vignette, the size of a leaf, was engraved by Amadeus Wenzel Böhm after G. V. Kininger. With the frequently missing 'Subscribenten-Verzeichnis', which lists Adelung, Forkel, J. N. Hummel, Pleyel, Schicht, J. Wölfl and Anton Wranitzky, among others. - Hoboken XXI, 3 a; coll. Hoboken 9, 1412; Wolffheim II, 1665; Hirsch IV, 795; Fraenkel 187. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 26580
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