The Retrospect of Practical Medicine & Surgery, being a A kHalf-Yearly Jorunal, 15 (January to July, 1847) + 16 (July to January 1847/8)- - New-York, Daniel Adee, 1847-48, 8°, VII, 371; VII, 371 pp., Pappband im Stil der Zeit. First Edition! The Uniform American Edition of "The Retrospect, A Half-Yearly Jorunal, containig a Retrospective view of every Discovery and Practical Improvement in the Medical Sciences" edited by William Braithwaite reports in the Addenda of volume 16 (January to July 1847) "On the Inhalation of the Vapour of Ether" about the contributions of Barnes, Forbes, Buchanan, Snow, Robinson, Boott, Tracy, Smith, Simpson, Murphy, T.Smith, Baron Dubois, B.Travers, B.B. Cooper, Copeman, Nunn, Syme, Hird, Richardson, Robbs. In volume 16 (July to January 1847) about the contributions by Mackennzie, T. Smith, Protheroe, Smith, Beck, Tucker, Roux, Flourens, Snow, Pirogoff, Crawford, Johnstone, Cooper, Wilkinson, Image, Simpson, Symes, Ducros and already about "Chloroform, as a subsitute for ether" by Simpson, Coote, Smith, Bell, and Dumas. William Braitwaite (1807-1885), "Surgeon to the Leeds General Eye and Ear Infirmary, and Lecturer on Midwifery the Diseases of Women and Children, in the Leeds School of medicine.". Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 42473
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