First meeting of Commissioners at The Bull's Head Inn Manchester. Erect building called the Exchange in Mnachester. Knock down in part or whole dwellings to make way for widening or new streets:- Joseph Mason, Ann Smith, James Bamford, William Whitehead, William Usher between Hanging Ditch and Church yard. Thomas Shelmerdine, John Mellor, Sarah Willat, between Queens Street and Dean's Gate, New Street 'Queens Street', King's Street, Thomas Walpole, John Fryer, Richard Evans, Brown street Market street, John Stores, James Jackson, William Robinson, John Smethurst, William Steel, Cannon Street, Toad Lane, Long Mill Gate, Joseph Andrew, William Pollitt, John Hayes, Scotland Bridge, Dolefield, Miss Amblers, Joseph Willoughby, John Lawrinson.(And another few pages of names). Lamp Irons or lamp posts to be put up, scavengers twice a week and to paint SCAVENGERS CART in roman letters on the front, encroachments removed from roads,fines for chimneys being set on fire, appointing and regulating the Watch, rates fares prices for Hackney coaches and put their number on them, prevent frauds at weighing machines, keep in repair water carts fire engines leathern buckets, sell the manure from the streets, Penalty for slaughtering cattle in the street, parking fines!! No bull, bear or dog baiting in the sreets. Providing Fire Engines and Firemen. e.t.c. Original pamphlet, first Edition, act of Parliament, disbound with usual glue and stitching residue from nonce volume of that year. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 697
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