Verkäufer Far North Collectible Books, Anchorage, AK, USA Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 20. September 2011
NANCY DREW MYSTERY STORIES #7 - THE CLUE IN THE DIARY by CAROLYN KEENE (pen name of Mildren Wert Benson), published by Grosset & Dunlap, copyright 1932 (original 25 chapters), 1950B-44 printing - FIRST PRINTING OF THE 2ND "REVISED" DUST JACKET COVER ART (per Farah's Guide - guides for $186), blue "silhouette" endpapers, blue boards with dark blue lettering to spine/front board, second or "revised" dust jacket cover art by Bill Gillies (also referred to as "wraparound" art as the front cover illustration wraps onto the spine - as distinguished from the original "white spine" cover art), 7575 price on DJ front flap. Lists: Dust Jacket Front Flap: Wooden Lady Dust Jacket Rear Flap: Vicki B arr - Broken Blossom Dust Jacket Back Cover: Dana Girls - Clue Cobweb Book rear list: no internal lists. Book has no creased page corners (nick losses to few page corners due to poor page quality - typical WWII page quality), orange top stain has no drop spots or fading, no foxing to outer page edges (slight age darkening/dust soiling only), couple small glue residue spots (from removed former owner's bookplate) otherwise endpapers are clean and free from any tape residue, no tearing or splitting of page block from internal hinges, no former owner's markings or used bookseller stamps/stickers inside, no wear to board edges, hint of wear to board corners & spine tips, no age darkening to outer page edges, no soiling or staining to boards, no color wear or surface color tears to boards, tiny bumped board corner. Dust Jacket has tiny chipping at top spine tip, no other chipping, tearing or creasing, slight wear to spine tips with 'v' loss to spine tip corners, hint of wear to flap crease, hint of edge wear, no soiling or staining, hint of dust rubbing to white rear panel, no color rubbing to panels, hint of spine sun fading. Overall a VG+/FINE- book in VG/VG+ condition DJ (not price clipped) of a Nancy Drew hardcover First Printing of the revised or 2nd dust jacket artwork. I have a number of other hardcover Nancy Drew books up for sale. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers ABE-1614143840844
Titel: Nancy Drew #7 The Clue In The Diary w/DJ ...
Verlag: Grosset & Dunlap
Erscheinungsdatum: 1950
Einband: Hardcover
Zustand: Very Good
Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Very Good
Auflage: 1st Edition
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