First edition. In original black, printed portfolio. Limited edition, numbered, one of 230. Text in Hungarian and English. Seventy-six mostly xerox art artworks by the Xertox artist group, that existed between 1982 and 1992, exhibited - besides the Hungarian shows - in Paris (1986, Galerie Baboogou), Brussels and Bergamo. The name derives from the words "xerox" and "toxin". The group created most significantly mail art, and they formed a special way for creation, the so-called "diligent meditation", a combination of the methods of the Western avant-garde and the Eastern Mysticism, making art while in deep meditation. Their exhibitions, which were often closed to the public, happened in meditation, wearing special garments, thus their individualities were unrevealed. This limited, numbered portfolio was made to accompany the 1988 "Fényszendvicsek" (Light-Sandwiches) exhibition, and also considered as an oeuvre of Xertox, lists and archives all the events of the group, both their "diligent meditations" and public exhibitions, and is illustrated with the related artworks, altogether thirty- four events with seventy-six artworks. Róbert Åwierkiewicz (b. 1942) was involved in the mail art movement, who was also involved in the Artpool alternative art institute, and later became the co-founder of Artpool-Archive with György Galántai. JenÅ Lévay (b. 1954) was the co-founder of Xertox. He used photo-copy equipment as the medium of art since the early 1980s and the reproductive processes remained have important role in his art. Imre RegÅ s (b. 1952) painter, co-founder of Xertox. Lived and worked in Paris between 1985 and 1986. . The portfolio is worn with some missing part. Inside fine First edition. In original black, printed portfolio. Limited edition, numbered, one of 230. Text in Hungarian and English. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 2043
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