Verkäufer RareNonFiction, IOBA, Ladysmith, BC, Kanada Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 13. Dezember 2001
"The most infamous conspiracy is in progress against the Church. Her enemies are working to destroy the most holy traditions and thus to introduce dangerous and evil-intended reforms." - translated from Introduction of Italian Edition. Contents divided into four sections: The Secret Driving Force of Communism; The Power Concealed Behind Freemasonry; The Synagogue of Satan; The "Jewish Fifth Column" in the Clergy. [6]-710p. Index. Excellent bibliography and list of sources and references. 1967 Second printing of the first American edition. Includes new replica dust jacket preserved in archival-grade Brodart. Many glowing online reviews for this title. Light wear to original red cloth. Contents tight, clean and unmarked. Light beige soiling to fore- and bottom edges. A quality copy of this highly controversial work. Singerman 1174.; 8vo - over 7¾" - 9¾" tall; Catholic Church Reform Conspiracy Christian Plot Vatican II 2 Two Communism Freemasonry Socialism Illuminati History. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 227h1790a
Titel: The Plot Against the Church: Translated from...
Verlag: St. Anthony Press, Los Angeles, CA
Erscheinungsdatum: 1967
Einband: Hardcover
Zustand: Good
Auflage: First American Edition; Second Printing.
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