1937 date and small stamp at title page: "Printed in England." Stated at copyright: "This translation has been made from the original of Rudollf Steiner by mermission of H. Collison, M. A. (Oxon), by whom all rights are reserved." Navy cloth boards, gilt spine titles, moderate shelf, corner wear, rub. Pages very good with attractive toning. Contents page mended with acid-free document adhesive; moderate crease. Stylish antiquarian signatures at front endpaper: "Margaret R. Cunningham," and "Margaret C. Wesson." Small pictorial marbled label at front pastedown: "It was a dark and stormy night when this book disappeared from Neil & Suzanne Ferguson." Bind fine, square; hinges intact. Rare original tan wrapper with cover and spine titles, moderate shelf wear, toning, some spine chip; protected in new clear sleeve. Rare very good original English edition in near very good wrapper. From front wrapper panel: "An intimate discussion between Steiner and his intending staff of teachers at the foundation of the Waldorf School. It contains many practical ideas helpful to parents and teachers in keeping the child alert and fresh in spirit, soul, and body." From front flap: "The Philosophy of Spiritual Activity by Rudolf Steiner. Dr. Steiner's activity in educational and social reform is now engaging the interest of an ever increasing public. This book contains the philsophy upon which his views and plans are largely based, i. e. Spiritual Activty is the right Freedom." And, back flap: "The Knowledge of Higher Worlds and Its Attainment by Rudolf Steiner. A book of real ethical value, which has now been through several editions. It is recommended by leaders of many Societies and Schools of Thought as one of the finest works of its kind." Back panel features: "Works now available in English on Dr. Steiner's System of Education." Contents: "Editor's Preface; First Lecture: Introduction - Aphoristic Remarks on Artistic Activity, Arithmetic, Reading, and Writing; Second Lecture: Language - The Oneness of Man with the Universe; Third: On the Plastically Formative Arts, Music, and Poetry; Fourth: The First School Lesson - Manual Skill, Drawing and Painting - The Beginnings of Language-Teaching; Fifth: Writing and Reading - Spelling; Sixth: On the Rhythm of Life and Rhythmical Repetition in Teaching; Seventh: The Teaching in the Ninth Year - Natural History - The Animal Kingdom; Eighth: Education after the Twelfth Year - History - Physics; Ninth: On the Teaching of Languages; Tenth: Arranging the Lesson up to the Fourteenth Year; Eleventh: On the Teaching of Geography; Twelfth: How to Connect School with Practical Life; Thirteenth: On Drawing of the Time-Table; Fourteenth: Moral Educative Principles and their Transition to Practice; Concluding Remarks; and, List of Works now available in English on Doctor Steiner's System of Education." Includes a detailed six-page index. Printed in Great Britain by Unwin Brothers, Limited, London and Woking. 190 pages. Insured post. Size: 8vo - over 7¾ - 9¾" Tall. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 022118
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