London: Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, by Mason and Son, Chichester. 1832. First Edition. First and only edition of this scarce volume. Half calf leather binding, with the Royal Naval College Greenwich emblem to the front board and (withdrawn) book label to the front paste down and a blind stamp to the title page. Blue cloth boards, spine with gilt titles, top edge gilt, other edges speckled. With the half title, a very good copy. Admiral Alexander Wilmot Schomberg (1774 1850) was an officer of the British Royal Navy who served during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. He was a commander during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, commanding the Loire frigate from 1807 to 1812. From the Introduction page viii: "the science of naval architecture has much advanced, but still there appears more to be done; and why should not this be the case, as well as in all other great arts and sciences? Page ix The true motive for this technical brochure is for the advancement from good to better; the instruction of the uninitiated youth in the profession; and the introduction of arrangements which though neither new or unknown to many, have not been carried into effect, and which I am persuaded would be useful, beneficial, and creditable to the naval service, and its paramount dignity". JISC (COPAC) records five copies in the UK. Approximately 8 ½ inches tall. Condition Report Externally Spine very good condition gilt titles. Joints very good condition. Corners very good condition. Boards very good condition gilt crest for Royal Naval College Greenwich to the front board, cloth and leather quarters. Page edges very good condition top edge gilt, others speckled. See above and photos. Internally Hinges very good condition. Paste downs good condition marbled with the RNC Greenwich bookplate, stamped withdrawn. End papers good condition marbled. Title good condition tanned and gently foxed, blind stamped Royal School of Naval Architecture to the top of the page. Pages good condition tanned and gently foxed. Binding good condition attractive. See photos. Publisher: see above. Publication Date: 1832 Binding: Hardback. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers ABE-1657656848422
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Bibliografische Details
Titel: Practical Remarks and Observations, on ...
Verlag: London: Printed for Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, by Mason and Son, Chichester.
Erscheinungsdatum: 1832
Einband: Hardcover
Zustand: Very Good
Auflage: 1st Edition