Established in 1971, Burton Lysecki Books specializes in quality, used books in a variety of subject areas including art, military, history, and literature. For more information about our business, please visit us at
Online sales primarily. Open House on Saturdays for the public from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.
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Verbandsmitglieder verpflichten sich, höchste Standards einzuhalten. Sie garantieren die Echtheit aller zum Verkauf angebotenen Objekte. Ihre Objektbeschreibungen sind sachkundig und genau, etwaig vorhandene Mängel oder Restaurationen werden offengelegt. Die Ansetzung der Verkaufspreise erfolgt nach akkurater Recherche. Alle Verkäufe werden stets fair und redlich abgewickelt.
Unternehmensdaten des Verkäufers
Burton Lysecki Books
527 Osborne St., Winnipeg, MB, R3L 2B2, Canada
Prices net to all in US dollars. Canadian orders-please add GST. We accept payment in International Money Order in US$, cheque in US$ issued from a bank domiciled in the U.S, MC and VISA. LIBRARIES billed on PO #. We use Brodart dust jacket protectors. Our records are updated daily. We pack well and ship promptly. As we normally do not reply by faxes or letters, PLEASE include your email address and phone number in all correspondence. Questions? Call us!
Shipping prices based on an average book size of 2 pounds.