Reverend Mr. Brightmans iudgement, or prophesies what shall befall Germany, Scotland, Holland, and the churches adhering to them. Likewise what shall befall England, and the hierarchy therein. Collected out of his exposition on the Revelations, printed above forty yeares since. Wonderfull to see how they are fulfilled, and in fulfilling, foreseeing and foretelling what our eyes have seen, and may see, both in the past, present and future state of our times. Declaring that the reformation began in Queene Elizabeth s dayes, is not sufficient for us under greater light. Finishing the work if we now withstand as heretofore, we are to expect, God hath a sad controversie with the land.

Brightman, Thomas

Verlag: London : printed for R. Harford, in Queens-head Alley, in Pater noster-row, 1642
Zustand: Very Good Hardcover

Verkäufer Stephen Butler Rare Books & Manuscripts, London, Vereinigtes Königreich

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