Verkäufer Meier And Sons Rare Books, New Canaan, CT, USA Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 6. Dezember 2011
A.C. McClurg, Chicago, 1914 First Edition, First Printing, First State First edition, First printing, First State Currey Binding A, with the requisite printer?s info on two lines in Old English on copyright page, and without the acorn device on spine panel. A very good hardcover in red cloth with gilt titles to the front panel and fading to the spine cloth. The book has benefited from being professionally recased with the original cloth allowing the binding to be very tight and square, and as such the book is quite readable and not fragile. The original end papers are present with some slight bleeding of the red cloth to the outer edges. Internally the book is in near fine to fine condition with clean, crisp pages with no handling marks, no bent pages, no stains and no foxing. Neatly penned prior own name to the half title page date from 1915, with a slight bit of the ink offsetting to the opposite blank page. Please see images. No dust jacket. A lovely clean copy of this title, with a square firm, readable binding. ADDITIONAL IMAGES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. Please see our ABE store for additional landmark first printings. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 001973
Titel: TARZAN OF THE APES (1st State)
Verlag: A.C. McClurg
Erscheinungsdatum: 1914
Einband: Hardcover
Zustand: Very Good
Auflage: 1st Edition
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