The very scarce first edition. xvi, 368, with additional [8] pp. (sheet H* inserted before gathering I: entitled, Etat des Finances en Angleterre a la fin de la session du Parlement en 1770). Nineteenth-century half calf over marbled boards, spine ruled in gilt with green label and gilt lettering: at foot of spine in gilt lettering 'Bibliothèque de Michel Chevalier' (spine head slightly frayed). Occasional spotting and staining, but a very good copy and with the bookplate of Michel Chevalier (1806-1879), follower of Saint-Simon, author of the Cours d'Économie Politique and co-architect of the Anglo-French, 'Cobden-Chevalier' commercial treaty of 1860. Housed in a quarter brown morocco clamshell. "Economique. Sur le commerce, l'agriculture, les finances; passages (pp. 70-72) sur la populatin anglaise; pp. 183-196 et 216-335 sur la population en France et en Angleterre. En particulier, nécessité d'augmenter également la population dans les villes et danse les campagnes, pout éviter les déséquilibres sociaux et économiques. Analyse de plusieurs ouvrages, dont un livre qualifié de rare: 'Le détail de la France' part Boisguilbert" (INED). Pinto admired the Physiocrats, but disagreed with them. "Pinto's Traité is written from a national as well as an international perspective. Pinto's experience as a merchant and financier in the Republic, along with his knowledge of French and English economic thought, laid the foundations for his European economic model. Pinto wanted above all to convince his readers of hte soundness of the British system of public debt. With the adoption of improvements in the redemption policy proposed in his book, the system would achieve a high degree of perfection. In France the physiocratic opinions of the elder Mirabeau in particular required Pinto to respond, and in England the otherwise admiring Hume was in disagreement. By means of a critical discussion of the work of these and other authors, Pinto propagated a financial policy that he thought would benefit both the State and the individual" (I.J.A. Nijenhuis, Een Joodse Philosophe. Isaac de Pinto (1717-1787), Amsterdam, NEHA, 1992). Goldsmiths' 10791. Higgs 5282. Kress 6811. Palgrave III, pp. 109-110. HBS 66800. $8,500. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 66800
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