Verkäufer Schilb Antiquarian, Columbia, MO, USA Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 31. Mai 2013
1682 History of Justin Pompeius Trogus Macedonia ROME Augustus Caesar English Justin was a 2nd-century Roman historian, whose work was largely taken from that of Pompeius Trogus. Justin covered the history of Macedonia, focusing on the time of Augustus Caesar in Rome and the rise of the Macedonian Empire. This 1682 edition of Justin s History was translated into English by Robert Codrington. Item number: #9411 Price: $550 JUSTIN, Marcus Junianus The history of Justin, taken out of the four and fortieth books of Trogus Pompeius: containing the affairs of all ages and countrys, both in peace and war, from the beginning of the world until the time of the Roman emperors. London: Printed for William Whitwood at the Cross-Keyes near Ivey-Bridge in the Strand, 1682. Details: Collation: Complete with all pages [6], 304 References: Wing J 1274 Language: English Binding: Leather; secure Visible repair at front inner hinge Size: ~6.25in X 3.75in (16cm x 9.5cm) Our Guarantee: Very Fast. Very Safe. Free Shipping Worldwide. Customer satisfaction is our priority! Notify us with 7 days of receiving, and we will offer a full refund without reservation! 9411 Photos available upon request. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 9411
Titel: The history of Justin, taken out of the four...
Verlag: for William Whitwood at the Cross-Keyes near Ivey-Bridge in the Strand,
Erscheinungsdatum: 1682
Einband: Hardcover
Zustand: Near Fine
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