Kupferstichkarte, 43 x 33 cm (17 x 13 inches). Sehr gut erhalten, Rückseite blanco / In very good condition, blank on verso. Selten / Rare. * Seltene deutsche Ausgabe von Delisle's Karte von Nord- und Mittelamerika. Dargestellt ist die Region von der Baffin Bay und Grönland bis Panama und von Mendocino/California bis Terre Neuve/Nova Scotia und zu den Antillen. Die zwei dekorativen figürlichen Kartuschen zeigen Eingeborene mit ihren Waffen, Handelsgegenständen und Landesprodukten. Gut dargestellt ist das Gebiet der Ostküste und der Großen Seen, während im Mittleren Westen zahlreiche Indianerstämme eingetragen sind. * A rare German language edition of Delisle's map of North and Central America. The map depicts from Baffin Bay and Greenland south through Canada and the United States, through Mexico and Central America to northern Colombia and Venezuela and from Mendocino/California in the west to Nova Scotia and Greenland in the east. It presents a peninsular California as well as a detailed depiction of the Great Lakes. The entire Northwest coast above California is blank. The southwestern United States is labeled as New Mexico, while Mexico is known as New Spain. Florida dominates the southeastern portion of the U.S., and most of the colonies along the East Coast are labeled as well. The Midwest is labeled as the 'Pays des Ilinois' and several villages are labeled. There are myriad rivers and streams, as well as countless Native American tribes included on the map. Most of the countries in Central America, including Honduras, Guatemala (Guatimala), Costa Rica, and Panama are labeled. The title is shown as if it is engraved in stone on the upper left. Decorative cartouches include native Americans offering bowls of fruit and tusks. Also includes rolls of tobacco, bird, stag or deer, arrows, spear, feathered headdresses and garment, snakes, parasol, domestic animals such as goats, and packages. The De L'Isle family of French cartographers, like their rivals the Vaugondys , must be considered speculative geographers. Speculative geography was a genre of mapmaking that evolved in Europe, particularly Paris, in the middle to late 18th century. Cartographers in this genre would fill in unknown areas on their maps with speculations based upon their vast knowledge of cartography, personal geographical theories, and often dubious primary source material gathered by explorers and navigators. This approach, which attempted to use the known to validate the unknown, naturally engendered many rivalries. The era of speculatively cartography effectively ended with the late 18th century explorations of Captain Cook, Jean Francois de Galaup de La Perouse, and George Vancouver. Seltene Karte - kein Expl. in der IKAR-Datenbank nachgewiesen!. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 6246AG
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