A lengthy description of life in New Orleans written by Samuel Sumner (1824-1866), the son of Michael and Mary Sumner of Newburyport, Massachusetts, describing life as an insurance salesman in New Orleans. He talks about his brother Richard (Richard Bartlet Sumner, 1816-1868). Sumner describes his life in New Orleans and alludes to previous difficulties, presumably in his travels from Newburyport and establishing his family in the New Orleans. He talks about the difficulty in establishing business relationships, stating "It has been most unfortunate for me (& I presume there is not one young man in a hundred that has suffered as much as I have from its causes) that I have never been placed in a position suitable to my taste or character, that is, I have had partners for whom I lost all respect & confidence because they had no respect for themselves & therefore it was impossible to succeed under such circumstances; but now I am in a very respectable position and am constantly thrown among a class of men whose influence is good, whom I can respect, and between whom there is some congeniality of feeling." He discusses sending his family to a plantation two-hundred miles north of the city, where they are doing "tolerably well." An interesting letter overall that gives a detailed account of an emigrant familly from the east in New Orleans during the period. Full transcription follows: New Orleans, Augt. 21st 1854 Dear Father & Mother, It is a long, long time since I availed myself of the opportunity of addressing you, but allow me to assure you that it was not for a want of inclination to do so, but because I have met with so many misfortunes & reverses in one way and another that I could not spur myself to write in that buoyant & happy spirit I desired & moreover I was aware that you occasionally heard of me through Richard. The changes & vicissitudes of this life have been many during the past few years and more than ever I anticipated to experience during my whole life, but I trust it has not been thrown away upon me, but has added much to my experience and judgement; however, through the kindness and assistance of Richard I have been enabled to get through thus far & now am feeling quite content, having forgotten the past with all its troubles & trials and entered upon a new sphere of action with the hope of some day in future to reach the head. I presume you have heard that I am now engaged in the Office of the Home Mutual Ins. Co., which was something of an undertaking for me at the time, as I knew nothing of the system they pursued; but it took me but a short time to learn the traces & now I would not yield to anyone in the same line of business for quickness in figures or correctness in calculations tho I am but three months in service. It has been most unfortunate for me (& I presume there is not one young man in a hundred that has suffered as much as I have from its causes) that I have never been placed in a position suitable to my taste or character, that is, I have had partners for whom I lost all respect & confidence because they had no respect for themselves & therefore it was impossible to succeed under such circumstances; but now I am in a very respectable position and am constantly thrown among a class of men whose influence is good, whom I can respect, and between whom there is some congeniality of feeling. My salary is also tolerably fair, $2000 to the 1st of Jany, after which $2400, which will enable me to get along quite comfortably, so you may expect to hear from me more frequently hereafter. Richard is now rich and well. He deserves it, for no one ever paid closer attention to his business than he, or worked harder to gain it, & it certainly must be a great source of gratification to you to know of his success, as I know it is, to him, that it is in his power to lend us aid. I was in hopes to have visited you long ere this, but fortune did not smile upon me & therefore I must be content and await the day when. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers List2315
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