4to. The ALS 8vo. 9 pp. Expected fold creases. Rare and desirable archive of signed letters and an autograph manuscript all addressed to Dr. Martin Davis:1. Autograph Manuscript, 1 p, 4to, [Princeton, New Jersey, 1963], in pencil, entitled at top "Additions to footnotes," and providing 3 additional items. He adds to footnote 19: "Herbrand apparently conjectured that this definition would prove equivilent with the one he gave in Jour. r. angew. Math. vol. 166 (1931/32), p 1-8, where he required 'compatibility,' without specifying however any rules of computation."2. Autograph Letter Signed ("Kurt Gödel"), 1 p, oblong 8vo, Princeton, New Jersey, December 29, 1963. Gödel mentions sending additional material concerning his 1934 lectures. He also consents to the publication of his resume which had been used for his talk at the Princeton Bicentennial.3. Letter Signed ("Kurt Gödel"), 1 p, 4to, Princeton, New Jersey, August 21, 1963, on Institute for Advanced Study letterhead. Gödel asks for clarification regarding the subject matter of the Davis-edited book, the Undecidable.4. Letter Signed ("Kurt Gödel"), 1 p, 4to, Princeton, New Jersey, December 20, 1963, on Institute for Advanced Study letterhead. Regarding corrections to Gödel's 1934 lecture notes.5. Letter Signed ("Kurt Gödel"), 2 pp, 4to, Princeton, New Jersey, August 18, 1964, on Institute for Advanced Study letterhead. Lot also includes a photocopy with an additional type foot note addendum. Regarding numerous corrections and the return of Gödel's 1934 lecture notes.6. Letter Signed ("Kurt Gödel"), 2 pp plus additional typed leaf, 4to, Princeton, New Jersey, October 12, 1964, on Institute for Advanced Study letterhead. Regarding numerous corrections including a reconsideration on one footnote: "Professor van Heijenoort [Jean Louis Maxime van Heijenoort, historian of mathematical logic and one of the editor's of Gödel's collected works] called my attention to a third definition of 'general recursive,' given by Herbrand . This, in conjunction with other passages, seems to prove that Herbrand was wavering between different definitions, which he hoped would prove equivalent. For this reason I would like footnote 19 to avoid reference to what he meant and confine myself to what he said. Also, considering Herbrand's wording, I think it is better to omit 'intuit. demonstrable' in the last sentence." 7. Letter Signed ("Kurt Gödel"), 1 p, with Autograph Postscript, 4to, Princeton, New Jersey, March 8, 1965, on Institute for Advanced Study letterhead. Regarding corrections.Provenance: American mathematician Dr. Martin Davis received his doctorate at Princeton University where his adviser was Alonzo Church. Davis is best known for his work on Hilbert's tenth problem as well as for pioneering work on the so-called "satisfiability problem." Davis edited the 1965 publication The Undecidable: Basic Papers on Undecidable Propositions, Unsolvable Problems and Computable Functions, which included 5 pieces by Gödel as well as material by Alan Turing, Alonzo Church, Emil Post, Stephen K. Kleene and J.B. Rosser. Kurt Gödel, who was a friend and colleague of Albert Einstein, has been considered one of the most important logicians since Aristotle who, according to Dr. Davis, "utterly transformed the field of mathematical logic and our understanding of the foundations of mathematics, starting with his famous 'incomplete theorem.'"Davis recounts the context of the above material:"As a young man committed to making mathematical logic my life's work, Gödel was a towering and inspirational figure. I was also thrilled to be part of the circle at the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton, and to see Einstein and Gödel walking together.Many years later, I was editing an anthology of fundamental research papers, The Undecidable (1965), all concerned with the new perspectives that Gödel's revolutionary 1931 paper on formally undecidable propositions had illuminated. Several of the articles included wer. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 94780
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