Various formats. Together 22 pp. With 4 autograph envelopes. Correspondence with the music critic Robert Brussel, the musicologist Marie-Louise Pereyra, and the librarian and literary critic Eugène Morel. The first of seven letters addressed to Brussel is dated 22 December 1901. Rolland inquires if Brussel knows who published Richard Strauss' 1-act opera Feuersnot, as the composer had failed to fulfill his promise to send Rolland a copy. - On 7 March 1902, Rolland sent a longer letter with suggestions for music-related correspondents in Germany, including Franz Wüllner, director of the conservatory in Cologne, Erich Prieger in Bonn, a "great collector" of musical manuscripts, including those of "Beethoven, Haydn, Bach, etc.", and Julius Wegeler who was "the grandson of Beethoven's close friend and husband of Éléonore de Brenning." - In a letter dated 5 July 1909, Rolland announces to pass by and give Brussel the latest volume of his novel Jean-Christophe. Later that year, on 2 December 1909, Rolland wrote in defense of a friend of Paul Dukas, who had apparently been subject to rumors, underlining that Dukas' trust in the friend is sufficient for him and that he wants the unnamed man to contribute to the Revue musicale: Il suffit que Dukas soit l ami de L., pour que je regarde tous ces bruits malveillants comme faux. J ai trop de sympathie pour le talent de L., pour n en être pas heureux. Et je ne saurais répondre mieux à ces bruits, en ce qui me concerne, qu en vous priant, si vous rencontrez L., de lui rappeler que je souhaiterais vivement qu il prît part et à notre organisation de la rue de la Sorbonne et à notre Revue musicale […]". - The final letter from the correspondence with Robert Brussel is dated 27 November 1937, declining an invitation for a talk at a conference: "Je ne fais plus aucune conférence. Voulez-vous transmettre à la Fondation musicale Reine Élisabeth tous mes remerciements d avoir songé à moi […]." - A letter to Eugène Morel that can be dated to early 1902 originally accompanied a manuscript of the poet André Suarès for the Revue d'art. Rolland also mentions his analysis of Richard Strauss' Feuersnot and plans for a dinner in honor of the Danish literary critic Georg Brandes (1842-1927), pointing to Maurice Maeterlinck and Gustave Geffroy as potential guests. - In two letters to Marie-Louise Pereyra, Rolland talks about his "double profession as professor and critic" (23 March 1904) and a request by Vincent d'Indy to contribute "some lines for the program of the Incoronazione […]" (24 January 1905), referring to an abridged concert performance of Monteverdi's L'incoronazione di Poppea, one of the first after the rediscovery of the scores in 1888. Rolland was very critical of the baroque opera, especially in comparison with Monteverdi's Orfeo that had been rediscovered a few years earlier. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 62455
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