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Oblong autographed letter signed, 1 page on lined paper, 5.5 x 8 inches, a military communication written during the occupation of Charlotte, North Carolina, June 1 1865, six weeks after the conclusion of hostilities, to Theodore Cox, Lieutenant Colonel & Assistant Adjutant General, Greensboro, N.C., Not In The Official Records, in full: "I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your telegram of this date in relation to reports of enlisted men of this command under sentence to imprisonment during the war & c." It should be noted that the Official Records does contain a communication between Cox and Ruger dated May 25, 1865, whereby the later inquires about enlisted men in his command said to have been confined in the South. This is most definitely a field communication -- a larger page separated in half with the usual folds and an endorsement by Cox on the back. There's a tiny chip at the bottom margin affecting one letter in Ruger's rank; good condition. Union Major General during the Civil War, Military Governor of Georgia during Reconstruction, and Superintendent of the United States Military Academy (West Point) 1871 - 1876. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 279126
Titel: Military Communication written during the ...
Verlag: Charlotte, NC
Erscheinungsdatum: 1865
Einband: unbound
Zustand: good
Signiert: Signatur des Verfassers
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