Frontispiece, xxi, 290 pp; 33 figs. Original cloth. Top & bottom of spine, joints, and corners of covers rubbed. Red ink (or paint?) on front cover and on vertical fore edge (see photo). Very Good. First Edition. SIGNED BY ROBERT M. YERKES: "To Mr. William S. Booth/ with the thanks and/ cordial regards of/ Robert M. Yerkes." About William Stone Booth (1864-1926): "In 1893 he came to the United States, spent a year in California, and then settled in the East. In 1894-97, he was a branch librarian of the New York public library. Thereafter Mr. Booth served as literary adviser to leading publishers, including G. P. Putnam's Sons (1897), the Macmillan Company (1898-1903), and then became a literary adviser and editor on his own account" (National Encyclopedia of American Biography). Booth was the author of A Practical Guide for Authors in Their Relations with Publishers and Printers (1907). Given that Booth had been an adviser to the publisher Macmillan, which published this book by Yerkes, and that Booth became a literary adviser on his own, it would seem likely that he advised Yerkes about dealing with Macmillan during the publication of this book. This was Robert Yerkes's first book. Printed on the title page: "The Cartwright Prize of the Alumni Association of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, was awarded, in 1907, for an Essay which comprised the first twelve chapters of this volume." Animal Behavior Series Volume 1. Yerkes writes in his Preface: "This book is the direct result of what, at the time of its occurrence, seemed to be an unimportant incident in the course of my scientific work--the presentation of a pair of dancing mice to the Harvard Psychological Laboratory. My interest in the peculiarities of behavior which the creatures exhibited, as I watched them casually from day to day, soon became experiment-impelling, and almost before I realized it, I was in the midst of an investigation of their senses and intelligence. The longer I observed and experimented with them, the more numerous became the problems which the dancers presented to me for solution. From a study of the senses of hearing and sight I was led to investigate, in turn, the various forms of activity of which the mice are capable; the ways in which they learn to react adaptively to new or novel situations; the facility with which they acquire habits; the duration of habits; the roles of the various senses in the acquisition and performance of certain habitual acts; the efficiency of different methods of training; and the inheritance of racial and individually acquired forms of behavior. . . . The purposes which I have had in mind as I planned and wrote the book are three: first, to present directly, clearly, and briefly the results of my investigation; second, to give as complete an account of the dancing mouse as a thorough study of the literature on the animal and long-continued observation on my own part should make possible; third, to provide a supplementary text-book on mammalian behavior and on methods of studying animal behavior for use in connection with courses in Comparative Psychology, Comparative Physiology, and Animal Behavior. It is my conviction that the scientific study of animal behavior and of animal mind can be furthered more just at present by intensive special investigations than by extensive general books. Methods of research in this field are few and surprisingly crude, for the majority of investigators have been more deeply interested in getting results than in perfecting methods. In writing this account of the dancing mouse I have attempted to lay as much stress upon the development of my methods of work as upon the results which the methods yielded. In fact, I have used the dancer as a means of exhibiting a variety of methods by which the behavior and intelligence of animals may be studied.". Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 16770
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