xiii, [1], [17]-447 pp; 133 figs. Original cloth. Some bubbling in cloth of front cover. Bottom of spine frayed. Piece torn from blank vertical margin of one leaf (415/416). Still a Very Good copy. First Edition, First Printing. This copy has the date 1912 printed on the title page, which means it is the first printing. There are also copies without a date on the title page; they are later printings of the first edition. SIGNED BY ALLEN B. KANAVEL: "To Dr. Cutter/ with affection and admiration/ Allen B. Kanavel." Bookplate of Irving S. Cutter. The inscription is not dated, so I do not know when Kanavel gave Cutter this copy. From 1925 when Cutter became Dean of the Medical School at Northwestern, Kanavel and Cutter were colleagues at Northwestern. Cutter was a great bibliophile, which led to a friendship with Harvey Cushing. See John F. Fulton, "The Letters and Libraries of Irving S. Cutter and Harvey Cushing", Quarterly Bulletin, Northwestern University Medical School, Vol. 20, 1946. Back to Kanavel's book. Garrison-Morton 4386.01: "The first comprehensive treatise on hand surgery, and the classic work on tendon and bursal hand spaces relevant to management of hand infections." Kanavel's "monograph on Infections of the Hand became a classic of American surgical literature. Beyond that, it did more to awaken the surgical conscience to the anatomic intricacies of hand surgery than did almost any other single contribution" (Bick, Source Book of Orthopaedics. 2d ed., p. 411). Boyes, On the Shoulders of Giants, pp. 170-72. Orr, A Catalogue of the H. Winnett Orr Historical Collection no. 823. Heirs of Hippocrates 2296. "Early in his surgical career Dr. Kanavel was struck by the haphazard treatment accorded patients with severe infections of the hand. This led to his anatomic study of the tendon sheaths and fascial spaces of the hand by injecting them with an opaque material and carefully observing the route and spread of the extension of the injected material. These studies were done during a period of nearly 10 years and were incorporated in 1912 in a monograph entitled Infections of the Hand [offered here]. These studies, as they were applied to clinical practice, revolutionized the treatment of hand infections. The book was accepted widely throughout the world and its popularity is attested to by the publication of 7 editions through 1939. It was the only practical textbook on the care of the hand during World War I. To this day it is considered the seminal work on this common and often serious condition" (Daniel J. Nagle, "The Chicago School of Hand Surgery", Journal of Hand Surgery Vol. 28A, 2003, pp. 724 725). "Kanavel initially described three cardinal signs of pyogenic flexor tenosynovitis in his seminal work in 1912 as '1. Exquisite tenderness over the course of the sheath, limited to the sheath. 2. Flexion of the finger. 3. Exquisite pain on extending the finger, most marked at the proximal end'. Although not noted in his initial description as a cardinal sign, he explained 'the whole of the involved finger is uniformally swollen,' and fusiform swelling later became the fourth cardinal sign. The constellation of the four signs, commonly known as 'Kanavel's signs,' is frequently used as the primary clinical tool for diagnosing pyogenic flexor tenosynovitis. . ." (Kennedy, Colin D. et al., "In Brief: Kanavel's Signs and Pyogenic Flexor Tenosynovitis", Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, Vol. 474, no. 1, January 2016, pp. 280-284). Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 16835
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