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  • Soft cover. Zustand: Good. Entire issue in original wraps, moderate general wear and rubbing. Articles include How To Hold Southeast Asia, by Willoughby, Let's Stop Strikes, by Richberg, Danger Signs In Mexico, by White, Does Just Any College Qualify, by Buckley, Our Economic Maginot LIne, by Peterson, the Plague Of Conferences, by Souvarine, and A Second Look, by Lyons. "In post-World War II America there were published a few small conservative magazines like Human Events, analysis, and Plain Talk, but there were none like the liberal New Republic or Nation that could influence and focus national attention on conservative issues and answers. Within that milieu, it would be difficult to overestimate the importance of the Freeman to the development of modern-day conservative and libertarian sensibilities. All the internal controversies and tensions that characterize a fledgling political faith were contained in its pages. With great verve, it leveled criticisms at liberal domestic and foreign policies and tried to present viable alternatives. By the end of 1955, when new owners changed the nature of the magazine, a self-conscious and relatively coherent movement had evolved. If 'creeping conservatism' was the grand trend of the 1950s, then the Freeman had been its professional and articulate journal of opinion." --- Charles Hamilton.