Verkäufer Antipodean Books, Maps & Prints, ABAA, Garrison, NY, USA Verkäuferbewertung 4 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 17. September 1998
Adolphe Willette (1857- 1926) lithograph illustrated broadside. The illustration drawn within a circular frame, with a young woman (Columbine?) writing at her desk, with Pierrot gazing over her shoulder, a raven in a cage and a cat perched on the desk, looking on. Willette (1857-1926) was a French caricaturist, painter, lithographer and architect of the Moulin Rouge, whose many works in the illustrated press (Le Pied de Nez, le Courier Francais and Le Rire) often appeared under various pseudonyms. He was active during the Belle Epoque and Art Nouveau period, and was a member of the Cornet Society, a group of artists, musicians, writers, academics and playwrights who gathered at various restaurants around Montmartre. Known for his lithographs, posters, paintings and illustrations, Willette was called the "Pierrot of Montmartre" because of his fascination with this comedia del'arte character. Willette's famous 'Parce Domine' painting (with many Pierrot figures) first decorated the Montmartre cabaret Le Chat Noir; it is now at the Montmartre Museum. Willette also contributed posters to Masters of the Poster (Maitres de l'Affiche). Illustration in dark blue with text printed in brown, pertaining to the Paris fine paper purveyor, below the illustration. Hinged at the right side, on heavier stock. 8 1/4 x 13". Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 21394
Titel: Broadside: La Papeterie d'Art Andre Marty - ...
Verlag: Paris
Erscheinungsdatum: 1899
Zustand: Very good condition
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