Verkäufer Hordern House Rare Books, Surry Hills, NSW, Australien Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 17. Januar 2013
Two pages, folio, manuscript in ink on a bifolium, the third page receipted to the Lord Chancellor by Treasury, the fourth page a docket title. Rare official document marking the appointment of the English lawyer John Lewes Pedder to the very consequential office of first Chief Justice of Van Diemen's Land, at the point when the judicial system of Tasmania became separated from that of New South Wales. Pedder, who arrived in Hobart in March 1824, would serve in the office for thirty years. He was also a Member of Tasmania's first Legislative Council, serving from 1825 until 1851, and a member of the Executive Council until 1836. "On 26 March 1824, after Pedder had arrived in Van Diemen's Land, Lieutenant-Governor Sorell issued a Proclamation declaring him duly appointed Chief Justice, and that on 10 May the Supreme Court would 'enter upon the Exercise of its Jurisdiction according to the full Powers granted by the Royal Charter'. The Charter of Justice was read out by the Provost Marshal at Government House in the presence of the Colony's dignitaries. Immediately after, a salute of 21 guns was fired from Mulgrave Battery. On 10 May the first sitting of the Supreme Court of Van Diemen's Land was held. This makes it Australia's oldest continually functioning superior court, since the opening session of the Supreme Court of New South Wales did not take place until a week later". The document is receipted to the Lord Chancellor: "Our very good Lord, we have been made acquainted with this Docquet Whitehall Treasury Chambers the 10 day of October 1823". As a formal document between government departments it relates to and precedes the ornate original "Charter of Justice", with wax seals and "banjo case", dated 13 October 1823, which is held in the Archives Office of Tasmania (and can be seen online at . Provenance: From the library of the late Dr. Robert Edwards AO. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 5000940
Titel: Official document from the Lord Chancellor ...
Verlag: Whitehall, London
Erscheinungsdatum: 1823
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