The Life and Letters of Sir John Morphett. Compiled by his Grandson: [MORPHETT, Sir John] MORPHETT,... The Life and Letters of Sir John Morphett. Compiled by his Grandson: [MORPHETT, Sir John] MORPHETT,... The Life and Letters of Sir John Morphett. Compiled by his Grandson: [MORPHETT, Sir John] MORPHETT,... The Life and Letters of Sir John Morphett. Compiled by his Grandson: [MORPHETT, Sir John] MORPHETT,...

The Life and Letters of Sir John Morphett. Compiled by his Grandson

[MORPHETT, Sir John] MORPHETT, George Cooper

Verlag: The Hassell Press [for the Author], Adelaide, 1936
Gebraucht Hardcover

Verkäufer Michael Treloar Booksellers ANZAAB/ILAB, Adelaide, SA, Australien Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 6. November 1997

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Adelaide, The Hassell Press [for the Author], 1936. Octavo, xii, 167 pages plus 24 plates. Cloth lightly sunned on the spine; essentially a fine copy (without a dustwrapper, as issued). Number 73 of only 100 copies numbered and signed by the author. The original prospectus (one page octavo) is mounted on the front pastedown of this copy; the price in 1936 was one guinea. This copy is also inscribed and signed to 'Major M.V. [sic] Newland with kind regards' (Victor Marra Newland, the third son of Simpson Newland). Loosely inserted is a SA House of Assembly how to vote card featuring Newland, who represented North Adelaide for the Liberal and Country League from 1933 to 1938. Sir John Morphett (1809-1892), landowner and politician: by 1835 he was one of the most enthusiastic and energetic supporters of the new province of South Australia, and he arrived on the 'Cygnet' in September 1836. He was one of the discoverers of the Torrens and at 'the crucial meeting on 10 February 1837 Morphett's votes were decisive in confirming the site of Adelaide . He threw his weight behind every good cause . [and his] political career was long and distinguished' ('Australian Dictionary of Biography'). Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 27171

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Bibliografische Details

Titel: The Life and Letters of Sir John Morphett. ...
Verlag: The Hassell Press [for the Author], Adelaide
Erscheinungsdatum: 1936
Einband: Hardcover
Zustand: Fine
Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Fine
Signiert: Signatur des Verfassers
Auflage: First Edition.

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